B orn from the gossamer covered groves, thorny brambles & flourishing flower fields of England, Mickayla (Layla) Bolton was inspired by Mother Nature, her flower fairies, & all their beauty from a very young age. She carried with her the lush countryside & its atmosphere as she moved from England to the Mojave desert of California, where she grew up. Here, the bleakness of the desert exposed her to the unrelenting perseverance of nature amidst the harshest of environments. Experiencing multiple climates inspired a sense of the delicate fragility of life in all its forms, and she has strived to replicate this in a tangible way ever since.
Obtaining a degree in Visual Communications from FIDM
(Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising), allowed her to initiate her career in the arts and dabble in visual merchandising, home staging, faux finishes, and interior decorating. These experiences created a basis for her to be able to expand upon, find inspiration from, and realize that she wanted to pay homage to her roots - florals & installations are a calling and also a home; the next step that she welcomes like the changing of the seasons.
"Happiness held is the seed; happiness shared is the flower" - John Harrigan